Edward Kendrick

 Edward Kendrick 's Books

A very well recieved series by Edward Kendrick are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are A Long Way Down, I Hunt by Night, Lonesome Men, The Encampment, The Reunion, A Second Chance, Love Was Not an Option, It Takes a Photographer, The Detective’s Apprentice, Just the Facts, Volume 1, Framed for Murder, It Takes An Artist, Unnatural Allies, A Man of Many Parts, Murderous Twins, It Takes an Archeologist, A Haunting of Ghosts, The Man on the Balcony, A Secret Uncovered, It Takes an Archaeologist, The Element Case, D-Boy, Burke and the Vampire, Nothing In Common, Except ..., Dead and Hating It, New Man in Town, The Seven Days of Christmas, Everyone Has Secrets, Cole and His Dog, Hawk and Wolfe: A Life Interrupted, Snow Cat, The Agency, Kylian and Brett, which was published in 2022.